CPSP 128 HS2 M56 Concept Schemes, A12 / A120 Weaving Assurance & A303 Sparkford to Ilchester
HS2 M56 Concept Schemes The request is to provide the HS2 engagement team with some urgent, high-level costs of construction for 7 concept designs for proposed layouts at M56 junctions 5 to 6. The level of design definition of these proposals is minimal at this stage. The information currently available is limited to a series of line sketches and a brief narrative around the scope of each concept design. A12 / A120 Weaving Assurance The project team would like an order of magnitude cost of construction only for this request to establish what level of confidence can be given to the costs being proposed by Costain in advance of seeking additional funds. The scope of works to price is for: The project team have moved their preferred location for the new junction 24 further west towards junction 23. In doing this there are traffic weaving concerns due to the distance between the two junctions being less than 2 kilometres apart. A proposed mitigation measure for this issue is to build the new offline A12 westbound link between junctions 23 and 24 as a 4-lane carriageway instead of the currently proposed 3-lane carriageway for c1.25km. A303 Sparkford to Ilchester -Agreed DIP budget is currently £134.9m. -SOW has been delayed by c.18 months due to external impacts. -Project team want to test the budget with a new set of SGAR dates that reflect the delay to the SOW (please populate table below with revised dates). -Cost Planning to re-run the budget with new dates and include an assessment costs for the prolongation of PCF Stages pre-construction. oAn apportionment of costs on a monthly burn rate could be used. -Construction duration to remain unchanged, just moved to the right. -Outputs to be draft, intended for internal use only. -Output to be a Total of the Prices sheet showing the current £134.9m budget, emerging draft output and a delta column. -This exercise is a high level test only and shouldn't be used to set any adjusted budget value. -These numbers are intended to be for internal eyes only.
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CPV Codes
71244000 - Calculation of costs, monitoring of costs
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1 Possible Competitors