CPU 1939 Carers Respite.
The aim of the Carers' Respite service is to improve quality of life for carers in Nottingham by providing timely breaks for carers, to prevent carer breakdown, ensure that carers are supported to remain in their caring role, and prevent unnecessary referrals to social care services. ‘In order for time away from the caring arrangement to be an effective break for the carer, the carer needs to know that care is being provided in their absence to the same quality that they provide — otherwise their time away is affected by guilt, and their relationship with the person with care needs is subject to strain. The need for a breaks service, in short, is the need for a service which provides an equivalent substitute to the care which the carer provides’. (‘The Social Value Act and how to understand the true value of a carers break’ Carers' Trust 2013).
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85300000 - Social work and related services
85100000 - Health services
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors