CPU2362 Mental Health Supported Accommodation Services
Nottingham City Council has redesigned the pathway of services for citizens who require support as aresult of mental ill health. The new pathway will ensure a consistent offer of services for citizens andensure that they have access to the services which will best help to support them to live healthy lives in thecommunity. Services within the pathway will be strength based with a clear focus on supporting citizens to live independently. As a result of the above, Nottingham City Council is seeking to appoint a suitably experienced and knowledgeable service provider(s) for the provision of Mental Health Supported Accommodation which will provide accommodation based support for a period of up to 2 years to citizens who (at the point of need /entry to the service) are unable to access independent living arrangements due to problems with their menta lhealth, who are experiencing significant and varying barriers to regaining or accessing more independent living, including those with a history of recurring loss of independence (including in-patient admission or homelessness linked to a mental health difficulty) and non-engagement with services. People referred to the service may present with associated problems linked to substance misuse, offending, chaotic lifestyles and other issues.
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CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors