CPU 1539 Schoollink Bus Services.
Tenders are invited for the supply of services in respect of ‘Schoollink’ bus services A1 and A2.These services run on weekdays in school term time only.Each service operates once in the morning and once in the afternoon for the primary purpose of carrying school children on a set route between their residential areas and several schools within the city. Although these bus services will primarily be for the benefit of school children, other members of the general public will be entitled to use them given that these services shall need to be registered with the Traffic Commissioner.Service A2 requires two vehicles in tandem in order to provide the necessary capacity, but both vehicles on that service run at the same time. Only one vehicle is needed for service A1.Tenderers must tender for both services combined and not for only one service or the other.The supplier must provide their own diesel powered double decker vehicles, each with minimum 75 seating capacity, (three in total) for these bus services and garage these on their own premises.The tenderer must submit a cost for operating these services under a Minimum Subsidy based contract, according to the Council Specification at Part 5. The fare revenue collected from the service shall be retained by the supplier, whilst the supplier shall submit invoices to the Council every four weeks for the net cost of operating these services.The successful supplier will be responsible for providing this service, liaising closely with the Council's Contract Manager.The Council's detailed requirements are defined in the Specification.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors