CRE (EESSH) Investment Works Contractor Framework Tender
Background. The Energy Efficiency Standard for Social Housing (EESSH) aims to encourage landlords to improve the energy efficiency of social housing in Scotland. This supports the Scottish Government's vision of warm, high quality, affordable, low carbon homes and a housing sector that helps to service contract — 359615-2015 — TED tenders electronic daily page 2 of 9 ttp:// 23/10/2015 Establish a successful low carbon economy across Scotland, as set out in the Sustainable Housing Strategy (SHS). Both the SHS and the EESSH were subject to public consultation over the summer of 2012. The Scottish Government and stakeholders have worked together to agree the EESSH. This has involved significant input from experts drawn from the social housing sector and the energy efficiency community, including extensive engagement with housing sector representative stakeholder groups. Taking lessons learned from the SHQS, the EESSH has been developed as a simple and flexible standard, using modelled case study examples, with detailed peer review, to inform its design.The EESSH sets a single Minimum Energy Efficiency (EE) rating for landlords to achieve that varies dependent upon the dwelling type and the fuel type used to heat it. The ratings reflect that some dwelling types are more challenging to improve than others. Social landlords must ensure that they achieve the relevant minimum EE Rating by the first milestone of 31 December 2020, for all applicable social housing. The standard does not prescribe which measures must be installed and landlords can choose measures that are suitable for a range of contexts. A set of reasonable measures, highlighted because they provide a good balance of benefits and cost, have been identified and landlords should consider these when preparing their approach to achieving the standard. For harder to treat properties, additional measures should be considered and landlords are encouraged to look for creative approaches including using renewable technologies. The EESSH will mean that in the main no social property will be lower than a ‘C’ or ‘D’ energy efficiency rating, meaning that tenants should benefit from a warmer home, which could mean lower fuel consumption, lower energy bills and less tenants in fuel poverty. Opportunity. CRE have analysed their stock and identified a number of properties with EESSH works to be completed in work-streams of loft floor insulation and tank jackets, external wall insulation, solar PV panels and Energy Performance Certificates (EPC's) and lighting. As a result of this CRE are looking for either a single contractor to deliver all of the works or a number of contractors to deliver the separate work streams as well as be a possible access stream for available grant funding.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45321000 - Thermal insulation work
45261410 - Roof insulation work
45320000 - Insulation work
71314200 - Energy-management services
Status :
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Buyer Information
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors