Create an industry standard for Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning
Create an industry standard for APEL to enable people to progress to higher and degree apprenticeships APEL (Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning) is the process by which credit is sought for learning which has not previously been assessed. Credit is awarded by an academic institution or professional organisation. It is learning that has taken place from a range of experiences and is often unstructured, personal and unconsciously gained but can be demonstrated to be relevant to the intended programme of study. Skills, knowledge and abilities that come with this type of learning can be equal to those gained by individuals following traditional courses through formal educational institutions. The level of learning acquired can be demonstrated by appropriate terminology and by giving specific examples of what the individual can do/has done. Examples of experiential learning include: •Work experience (paid or unpaid/ voluntary) •Reading and Research •A task or project •A written report, newly designed database or creation of website •Non-accredited courses, e.g. in-house training •Life experience, Travel, Hobbies, Home and family experiences Recognition of APEL is crucial to ensuring that appropriate candidates are accepted onto higher and degree-level apprenticeships, from the widest possible backgrounds. However, APEL recognition across the country is inconsistent and in places, non-existent. This not only creates inequity across the system but also, actively prevents the recruitment of eligible candidates into professions at a time of workforce crisis. This, coupled with a lack of recognition of equivalent qualifications at level 3, has a significant impact on HEE's key deliverables. This is not limited to delivering the right workforce in the right place with the right skills but also to the delivery of crucial government manifesto targets such as 50,000 new nurses trained by March 2024. A national industry standard for APEL is not a desirable, it is crucial to realising key workforce aspirations. Project requirements The aim is to create an industry standard for APEL to enable people to progress to higher and degree apprenticeships by: •Engaging HEI providers, individually and collectively, to establish a credit value for apprenticeship standards, (irrespective of qualification inclusion). •Using and referencing QAA, Ofsted and other quality statements and frameworks, in the aim to meet specific policy aspirations and other conditions, which would substantiate and promote the value of standards for entry to higher programmes. •Actively using to advantage, current conditions conducive to success whilst managing and mitigating risks. For further information, including all tender documentation, and to submit any clarifications and bid submission please visit HEE's e-tendering portal:
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