Creative Testing services in relation to FCCRAS Brand Concept Development
The Branding Workstream of the FCCRAS Programme at City of London Police appointed Bray Leino (via Bloom) to deliver the scope of the Branding work, after a competitive procurement process managed by CoL Commercial last year. Bray Leino has been delivering the scope of the works as contracted but due an unforeseen delay in the overall programme (not related to Bray Leino), we are recommending to introduce a 4-7 week piece of extra scope into the workstream. This will see Bray Leino in conjunction with a supply chain partner of theirs Innovation Bubble (behavioural science experts who have backgrounds in consumer and business psychology) deliver creative and user testing of the design concepts we have agreed to take forward for final decision. This exercise will allow members of the public, victims and our stakeholder community to provide feedback around the brands, names, colours etc and assist us with data to support recommendations and decisions on which new Brand to select. Bray Leino are the only agency that can deliver this work as the brand concepts are their designs. The Creative Testing Scope will allow us: 1)To identify which brand proposition most effectively enhances: -initial engagement -fosters comprehension -cultivates trust -clarifies understanding -and accurately shapes public perception for the target audience 2)To identify which brand proposition most effectively enhances: -initial engagement -fosters comprehension -cultivates trust -clarifies understanding -and accurately shapes public perception for the target audience Headline Objectives: Understand the overall response to each route and specifics including: 1. Initial response 2. Comprehension of: -Purpose and scope -Behaviour expectation -The service as a national service but one led by the police (ideally City of London Police but understanding authority of police most important both for and opposed to)
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CPV Codes
48520000 - Multimedia software package
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors