Cross-country study on how food prices are being affected by short- and long-term government policies and actions by other major economic factors.
Introduction Eat4Change is a WWF-led, international project co-funded by the European Union, pushing for a shift toward more sustainable diets and food production practices. Eat4Change strives to engage citizens, and particularly the youth (15-35 year olds), to take an active role in society and support a shift towards more plant-based diets for the wellbeing of people and the planet. In the scope of this project, the WWF-UK and WWF-European Policy Office are currently seeking support from a consulting company or research institute to perform an explorative study that will shed new light on how government policies and actions by other major economic actors, notably investors and retailers, could be affecting food prices and thus mitigating or contributing to the rising cost of living. Please see attached ToR for more information on the project. Application Proposals should include : ~ relevant background of the supplier/consultant(s) involved, CVs of consultants who will participate in the project; ~ cost estimate for the project to include the daily rate per team member, the number of days/breakdown of cost by task/milestone and team member. Please also include any applicable charity discounts you may offer; ~ detailed timeline for project activities/deliverables and description of the proposed methodology; ~ a brief overview of your organisations environmental and social activities, such as corporate social responsibility policies; charity/community/local project support; apprenticeship hosting; diversity, equity and inclusion policy; gender pay gap; and ISO qualifications; ~ completion of the sustainable procurement questionnaire.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors