CS21627 Supporting the Secretary of State in the accreditation and oversight of ADR providers in consumer markets in the UK
The final date and time for the submission of bids is Thursday 31st March 2022 GMT 14:00 DO NOT apply directly to the buyer. All tender information MUST be submitted through the Delta eSourcing Portal. Brief Description of Requirement The Consumer and Competition Policy Directorate (CCP), part of the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS), is looking for a service provide to support the Secretary of State in the execution of the Secretary of State's 'Competent Authority' (CA) role for Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in the non-regulated sector. The provider will provide services of an administrative nature supporting the Secretary of State's performance of a number of statutory functions including the accreditation, oversight, performance management and reporting of ADR bodies in the non-regulated sector. Please ensure you review all attached information to ensure a full understanding of this requirement. All attachments can be found with the Document Uploads tab within the Delta eSourcing Portal. This contract will be awarded based on the evaluation criteria as set out in the RFP document. How to Apply UK Shared Business Services Ltd (UK SBS) will be using the Delta eSourcing Portal for this procurement. To register on the Delta eSourcing portal please use the link and follow the instructions to register. If you are already registered on the Delta eSourcing Portal and wish to participate in this procurement, please use the link: and the follow the instructions to 'Log in' Once you are logged into the system you will be able to link yourself into this procurement using the Access Code: 5V52ZA88QD
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors