CTE04 — Installation of Fire Sprinkler Systems to 31 Residential Tower Blocks for the Northern Ireland Housing Executive
The Northern Ireland Housing Executive (NIHE) wishes to procure suitably qualified and competent contractors for the survey (full scale survey), design and installation of sprinklers to 31 residential tower blocks. Currently it is envisaged that the NIHE will put in place 3 contracts (approximately 10 blocks per contract), this is subject to the final procurement strategy being agreed. The tower blocks which date from the 1950s-1960s, comprise of 1 926 flats which primarily consist of two bed accommodation, with 275 which are now privately owned.Domestic and residential sprinkler systems in the UK are installed in accordance with British Standards (BS) 9251:2014-Fire sprinkler systems for domestic and residential occupancies -Code of Practice. British Automatic Fire Sprinkler Association (BAFSA) recommends that installations and maintenance should be carried out by a contractor with membership of an established third party certification scheme. This would be our preferred approach. The appointed consultants will be required to have and maintain sufficient professional indemnity insurance. There is an expectation that the successful framework member will have additional levels of professional Indemnity insurance to comply with any updated building regulations and fire safety for buildings over 18 m tall. They will be expected to be familiar with the Dame Judith Hackitt report – Building a Safer Future, and to be able to deploy the themes of fire safety intent and audit and the information data ‘Golden Thread’ (collecting fire safety data throughout the project, ensuring it is validated and provides a full audit of signed off systems and details for issue at the end of a projectThe Northern Ireland Housing Executive is looking to access the Lot 1 of the Fusion21 Fire Suppression Systems Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for the procurement of this project. The DPS was initially advertised under OJEU Contract Notice 2017/S 239-495382. The DPS process established a select list of contractors for its current and any future Members to use, constituting the Fusion21 Fire Suppression Systems DPS 2018-2023.The DPS remains open throughout its term for new suppliers to be appointed. In order to be considered for this project the you will be required to have been appointed to the DPS prior to the issue of the ITT documents. Once appointed to the DPS, suppliers will be permitted to bid for any future contracts procured through the DPS for regions in which they operate.Applications to the DPS must be made via the Delta e-sourcing procurement portal. Access to the DPS documentation can be found at
Pretender :
Not Identified
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45343000 - Fire-prevention installation works
Status :
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors