Cubert Village Hall Carpark Resurfacing
Cubert Village Hall is situated on the edge of the Cubert village which has a population of approximately 1350. The hall opened on 12th September 1981 and is operated by Cubert Village Hall registered charity to whom the hall is formally vested. The hall is used for a variety of events by both local residents, and those coming from further afield including the nearest large town; Newquay. The population of the village is growing and so the project aims to create a hall which will be fit for purpose for the requirements of local residents. As part of programme of improvements, the existing carpark at both the front and rear of the village hall requires resurfacing. The existing carpark surface across the whole area is very uneven and is a risk to users. Disabled use of the back carpark is unsafe which limits the number of disabled spaces available. The car park area has been increased by removal of a storage container and cutting back excess growth of the hedges. The requirement is to resurface the whole carpark with tarmac making it even, therefore safer, with more disabled parking as well as increasing the size and parking available by approximately 25%. The purchase of this system is part of a grant funded application process and therefore procurement will be subject to grant approval of the project. We will assess tenders received on Most Economical Advantageous Tender basis.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45213312 - Car park building construction work
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors