Specification of Requirements, The Northern Lighthouse Board have a requirement for the following cubicles for a period of 4 years. , The requirement is to standardise equipment within the lighthouses which will assist NLB Technicians with the maintenance. , AtoN RTU Monitoring Cubicles, The estimated quantity is Thirty Three (33) units. 9 per year for a period of 3 years. Thereafter 6 units in year 4., The specification is based on the following information; tenderers must highlight any areas that their proposal would not meet., •Drawings (E-GEN-612 and E-GEN-613), •Bill of Quantities Drawing (E-GEN-614), Solar Regulator Cubicles, The estimated quantity is Thirty Six (36) units. 10 per year for a period of 3 years. Thereafter 6 units in year 4., The specification is based on the following information; tenderers must highlight any areas that their proposal would not meet., •Drawings (E-GEN-617, E-GEN-618 and E-GEN-620), •Bill of Quantities Drawing (E-GEN-619), Auxiliary Battery Solar Regulator Cubicles, The estimated quantity is Eighteen (18) units. 5 per year for a period of 3 years. Thereafter 3 units in year 4., The specification is based on the following information; tenderers must highlight any areas that their proposal would not meet., •Drawings (E-GEN-621, E-GEN-622 and E-GEN-624), •Bill of Quantities Drawing (E-GEN-623), Auxiliary Battery Charger – Type 1 Cubicles, The estimated quantity is Forty (40) units. 10 per year for a period of 4 years., The specification is based on the following information; tenderers must highlight any areas that their proposal would not meet., •Drawings (E-GEN-597, E-GEN-598 and E-GEN-625), •Bill of Quantities Drawing (E-GEN-599), Each cubicle shall contain the items shown on the appropriate bill of quantities, mounted on din rail, and wired according to the appropriate wiring diagram. The cubicle will meet the following specifications:, 1. The cubicle framework, doors, covers, etc. are to be manufactured from stainless steel type 316. , 2. All doors and removable covers are to be fitted with foam rubber jointing or equivalent to form a dust-tight seal., 3. Earth bar with identity strips showing internal and external fittings., 4. External labels are to be permanently fixed to the enclosure and shall be indelible. , 5. Internal labels are to be traffolite, black letters on a white background and screwed to the back plate, or an adhesive of sufficient cohesion to be permanent., 6. All components are to be fixed to the backplate using the requisite size of stainless steel screw. Fixing holes should be tapped to facilitate easy removal of the component should this become necessary., 7. Loop connections made by two conductors in one crimped terminal are not acceptable., 8. All cables terminating at wire clamp terminals are to have suitably rated insulated bootlace ferrules., 9. All cables terminating at stud or screw connections are to have suitably rated PIDG, Bootlace Ferule or Solistrand crimped Ring Terminals and be correctly sized for the CSA of the cable., 10. The cubicle is to be lockable. The door hinges shall be hinged on the left hand unless specifically requested otherwise., Drawings EN-GEN-599, 614, 619 and 623 will also show items that will be free issued by NLB., NLB will undertake Factory Acceptance Testing and the manufacturer shall make available a suitable power supply for this. The FATs are to be agreed but it is envisaged shall consist of a full point to point check and confirm correct operation of all power convertors and power circuits
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44211200 - Cubicles
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