2022_CulEng - P2P Gender Equality Research
People to People Cultural Engagement Programme Phase II (P2P2) follows People to People Cultural Engagement 2016-2021 Programme (Phase I) in Baltic States. The objective of the programme is to be reached via three outcome areas. Outcome area 1: Individuals from vulnerable communities have the skills to meaningfully participate in democratic society; Outcome area 2: Diverse communities work together around common agendas, building trust and positive perspectives and narratives; Outcome area 3: Institutions work together to connect with diverse communities, building a sustainable ecosystem for skills for democratic societies and cross-community cohesion. The purpose of the gender research and analysis is to enable the team to design project interventions that promote gender equality and that challenge gender inequalities. The research will fill a gap that has been identified in existing research and will provide intersectional analysis of gender equality in the three countries, providing data and evidence on how gender equality and attitudes to gender equality intersect with age, language community, and location. The research will also provide data and evidence on attitudes to community action and social cohesion activities, disaggregated by gender, age, language community and location and provide recommendations to the project for engaging underrepresented communities.
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