Custodial Healthcare Service Provision
The provision of fully qualified, trained & competent Healthcare Professionals embedded 24/7/365(6) in the 6 main Custody Suites in the TVP area to assess, treat & signpost Detained Persons (DPs) to ensure fitness for detention, interview, charging, release, with full live Clinical Oversight & consideration of a multi skilled workforce to assist across the Force & in particular the South of the Force. (Note; there is additional pressure in Loddon Valley & Maidenhead that may require additional support). The service needs to be reactive to short notice operational needs as well as proactive to longer term strategies. The ever evolving operational & custody requirements need to fully integrate with NHS (L&D), Social Care & Voluntary Sector providers of health & social support, creating & managing interconnected relationships & pathways with a view to reducing the 'revolving door' effect around the reasons for committing crimes. This will be in conjunction with regular reporting & the subsequent meeting of a number of stringent key performance indicators. Interactive training scenarios involving the Authority &/or other organisations will be welcomed as will insights into industry related technological advances. The Police custody suites are located; Berkshire (Maidenhead & Reading) Buckinghamshire (Aylesbury & Milton Keynes) Oxfordshire (Abingdon & Banbury) Newbury (Berks) - Retained for Operational Contingency High Wycombe (Bucks) - Retained for Operational Contingency. The services within scope, including PACE compliant core Custodial Healthcare provision, primarily, Custody DP Healthcare management, the provision of medical & forensic examinations, treatment for minor medical injuries, fitness assessments prior to interview, charging, bailing, court appearance &/or release, live clinical oversight, crisis support, management of substance misuse & onward referral services for people who have been DPs. In addition, but not limited to, the core provision; a) Holistic Healthcare Services; (General Healthcare prior to & following any forensic work) b) Forensic sampling following a healthcare assessment relevant for that purpose c) Call Centre, email & video call facilities (or other mutually agreed contact mechanisms) through which the Authority can ask for forensic medical & healthcare services. This re-tendering exercise aims to increase equity of access & ensure a consistent, resilient & high standard of quality care to DPs. The service will delivered in line with current national standards, guidance, based on NHSE specification & best practice, & at the same time meet the local needs of each Custody Suite/Force area, planned & Ad hoc operational requirements. The Provider will ensure that the service is delivered in an age-appropriate way for children, adults & vulnerable persons; all staff must meet the skills & competences commensurate with the role they are performing. The service should consider PACE, Safeguarding, su...
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
85141000 - Services provided by medical personnel
85100000 - Health services
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors