Customer Service Training
1) What we are looking for:•Excellent Trainers to deliver a new customer service programme in Wales 2) Background•People 1st is introducing a customer service programme to help staff working in the hospitality, leisure, travel and tourism sector develop excellent customer service and ‘sense of place’ skills. •The programme is based on the WorldHost programme which was successfully used to deliver customer service/sense of place training recently at the Vancouver Winter Olympic Games. It is highly interactive, uses up to date learning resources and moves at a pace that retains and stimulates the learner. It is delivered in one day.•We are contextualising the programme so that it is relevant to delivering customer service and ‘sense of place’. Trainers can therefore deliver the programme and contextualise particular modules to the specific region or locality where delegates live and work.•The new customer service programme will build on and replace the existing programme known as ‘Croeso Cynnes’. The established Croeso Cynnes brand will continue. Delegates completing the programme will also be eligible for recognition for the Croeso Cynnes quality mark (part of the Visit Wales accreditation programme ‘Croeso Cynnes Cymreig – A Warm Welsh Welcome’. •The programme will be underpinned by a nationally recognised qualification, accredited on the Qualifications and Credit Framework3) Delivery•The programme will become the gold standard for customer service in Wales. It will be delivered by a network of approved trainers. •Trainers will benefit from a three day development programme. This will not cover the principles of delivering training, it will focus on the content and delivery of the new programme. Once accredited, trainers will be able to generate income by selling and delivering the programme under licence•It will be delivered through open and in-house programmes to both students and people looking to enter the industry as well as staff currently in work•During 2012 we will take forward a heavy marketing campaign to promote the programme. We will do this in liaison with the Regional Tourism Partnerships in Wales•We will also subsidise the first 1,500 learners to undertake the programme. This covers 70% of their cost, making the programme highly attractive in this initial start up period.4) This opportunity•This is an opportunity for organisations and individuals to be accredited to deliver the new training programme across Wales.•We are inviting interest from individuals and organisations interested in becoming recognised to deliver the new customer service programme.•Our aim is to run the new programme in September/October and make amendments based on feedback from both trainers and employers.•We will then train a further cohort of trainers during either September or October with a view to a national roll out from November 2010.•At present we are still considering the precise number of trainers required. This is difficult to predict at this point in time. We may therefore appoint further trainers in the new year depending on market demand.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
80000000 - Education and training services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors