CWC20029 - Supported Living Services for People with Forensic History and Significant Complex Behaviour
This Framework is required to specifically provide specialist support for adults with social care needs and;rr - Who may be at risk of contact with the criminal justice system and/or;rr - Who have a forensic history and/or present who are part of the Transforming Care Programme cohort and/or;rr - Present with significant complex challenging behaviour.rr rr The Framework is split into the following Lots: rr Lot 1 - Supported Living Services for People with Forensic Historyrr Lot 2 - Supported Living Services for People with Significant Complex Behaviourrr rr The estimated annual cost of the cohort including those identified under the Transforming Care Programme for City of Wolverhampton Council is £1,242,000.00. This assumes up to 20 individual new placements will be made in a year against this specific Framework. This averages 1.66 new placements a month at an assumed weekly cost of £2,500. It is anticipated costs will be shared 50/50 between City of Wolverhampton Council & Black Country and West Birmingham Clinical Commissioning Group or the respective CCG. It is possible therefore that these costs will fluctuate.rr rr The pricing element (30%) within this tender will be evaluated based on the tendered rate submitted for Year 1 costs only. The minimum assumed rate will be £16.52/per hour and the maximum assumed rate will be £19.00/per hour. Tendered rates must fall within the hourly rates detailed within this paragraph, any bids received which which are outside of this range, will automatically be excluded from the process. Please note, all tendered rates must be divisible by 4. Tendered rates will apply to year one of the contract only. Future % increases will be determined by the outcome of the fee review process conducted annually.rr rr The initial term of this contract is 4 years with an option to extend by a further 1 year.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
Status :
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Tender Progress :
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors