CWF 2A - A323 Threapland Bridge C2001 - Bridge Repairs
The Council wishes to procure the following work:r The Principal Bridge Inspection (PBI) undertaken in 2021 highlighted some high priority defects at Threapland Bridge that need remediation.r r It should be noted that where open mortar joints or joints containing friable or cracked mortar are found in the existing main arch, abutments, spandrel walls, wing walls and parapets, the joints shall be raked out down to sound mortar and repointed with mortar designation (ii) as described in the Specification for Highway Works.r r The following repairs are required to the brickwork and masonry:r r 1. The spandrel walls require repointing throughout.r 2. Areas of spalled or missing brickwork on the spandrel walls require repair or replacement.r 3. The abutment walls require repointing throughout.r 4. The outer face of the abutment walls require repointing and possible stitching to remediate the existing cracking and separation.r 5. Areas of spalled, missing or loose brickwork on the abutment walls require repair or replacement.r 6. The gap between the rear abutment and adjacent bedrock on the upstream north and south face and the downstream north and south face should be pointed and sealed.r 7. The arch barrel requires repointing throughout.r 8. The arch rings at each elevation require repointing and possible stitching to remediate the existing separation.r 9. Missing brickwork on the arch ring should be replaced.r 10. The upstream and downstream brickwork headwalls require repointing.r 11. Missing brickwork from the headwalls require repair or replacement.r 12. The outer face of the upstream and downstream stone parapets require repointing.r 13. Missing stone from the outer face of the downstream parapet require repair or replacement.r 14. Vegetation (ivy, saplings etc) from the parapet outer faces should be removed.r 15. Mature trees (4No.) at each of the approaches should be removed and Eco Plugged.r 16. After the trees have been removed and where required the parapets should be extended to offer edge protection on approaching the bridge.
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CPV Codes
45000000 - Construction work
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors