Cyclical Painting and Pre Paint Repairs.
Painting work. Jephson Housing Association Group (JHAG), is tendering for the provision of cyclical painting and pre paint repairs, and is seeking suitably qualified and experienced service providers who can undertake high quality cyclical decoration and pre decoration repairs to sites owned and/or managed by the Group.There are three associations in the Group which together currently manage approximately 16,000 homes of various tenures, throughout England. The properties consist of general needs, sheltered and supported residential properties.JHAG are tendering five regional Lots, which mirror the regional management structures within the Group. The North Region ( e.g. Yorkshire regions ), Midlands Region (e.g. Leamington Spa/Black Country ), the East Region (e.g. Milton Keynes region/ Bedfordshire), South and West Region (e.g. Bristol/ Swindon) and Marches Housing Association Ltd ( e.g. Shropshire, Herefordshire and Warwickshire).The contract will be let for an initial three years, with an option to extend for one further year. The approximate contract value across all Lots over the four year period is GBP 6 413 000 (Approx GBP 1 603 000 per annum). Contractors will be considered for one or more lots.The contract will comprise:i) Required remedial and repair works prior to cyclical decoration;ii) Cyclical decoration of internal and external areas, including communal areas.The Service Providers will be required to provide a customer focused service and show commitment to providing effective services that provide value for money to the Group and its residents and must be responsive to achieving collaborative working practises, innovation and continuous improvement.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45442100 - Painting work
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors