Cyfarthfa Park Heritage and Environmental Improvements - Development of Proposals and Implementation
A conservation management plan was undertaken in July 2009 for the Cyfarthfa Heritage Area. This plan identified heritage assets, vulnerability and issues as well as proposing a framework for action to managing these assets. Included in the framework for action are a number of key heritage and environmental projects within Cyfarthfa Park. These parks related projects formed the basis of a successful first-round application to Parks for People which was approved by the Heritage Lottery Fund in December 2009.MTCBC and its partners are progressing the development phase of the HLF programme with a view to submitting a second-round application by the 28th Febraury 2011. It is a HLF requirement that proposals within the second-round application are worked up to RIBA Stage D.MTCBC are seeking to appoint consultants to develop detailed proposals to RIBA Stage D and prepare the necessary supporting information to enable submission of the grant application by the 28th February 2011.The study will:•Produce detailed proposals for each scheme •Produce a detailed implementation plan and options appraisal for the restoration of the former walled garden •Allow for contaminated land, ecology and archaeology reports as required – especially for the kitchen garden site•A tree survey – assessing current condition and produce a health plan for appropriate management including: maximising longevity of existing veteran trees; consideration to the long term restoration of ‘setting’ provided by existing trees; and proposals as to how setting can be restored•Prepare applications for necessary planning, buildings regulations and Listed Building Consent
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1 Possible Competitors