DA Startup Sherpas Leeds Green Economy Proposal 2023
The project engages 200 young people in paid work experience, in two groups between the ages of 13-25. This will be done using 25-minute timeboxed missions which are themselves broken down into step-by-step instructions. All the work is uploaded back to the platform for analysis and tracking. The 200 young people will gain work experience and be given references for their CVs, while being exposed to the green economy and related industries. Participants will create a dataset that will be open-sourced and made available to the whole Leeds ecosystem, from startups to established companies. The work will be analysed, trends identified, and action plans created, making a Blueprint for the city to use in future projects and proposals, and to inform policy. Recruitment will take place over 3 weeks from Monday 6th March 2023. There will be 8x 4-hour sessions per week, running from Monday 27th March - Friday 5th March 2023. The Blueprint will be available from June 2023. Required funding of £85,000. £24,000 of this will be directly paid back into Leeds economy.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
80000000 - Education and training services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors