
Dairy Technology Training


Background:~This Training Brief has been constructed by the Welsh Dairy Industry Skills Partnership (WDISP), a collective of Welsh dairy businesses working together to drive skills-development across the dairy supply chain to support higher productivity and growth in line with Welsh Government’s Food Action Plan through collaboration, aggregation of demand, new programme development and increased access to high-quality provision.~The WDISP is one of several new Industry Skills Partnerships set up as part of the Food Action Plan Skills Strategy, created by Improve in line with backing from Welsh Government around the need to build sustainable programmes through industry-driven collaboration. The partnerships put Welsh businesses in the driving seat of industry skills issues and provide for greater influence on the whole of the skills system serving the sector (courses, training & vocational education providers, qualifications and standards).~Ten dairy firms are currently engaged with the Welsh Diary Industry Skills Partnership which is aligned to and endorsed by relevant Government Departments and Industry Initiatives. Since forming in January this year, the WDISP has established itself as the knowledge and skills partnership for the Dairy Industry in support of the Food Action Plan and Welsh Dairy Review.~~Requirement – Dairy Technician Training Modules:~Within the primary tasks identified by the WDISP to support strategic skill-development within the industry, is the need amongst businesses for immediate Dairy Technology training.~The WDISP is therefore looking for a Training Organisation who can develop and deliver pilot training modules that meet the needs identified in this brief and the WDISP ethos of inclusion and business-orientated mechanisms of delivery.~Delegates will come from WDISP businesses comprising various facets of the Dairy Industry. Delegates will have considerable working experience within their fields and have progressed through their organisations to positions of technical significance and authority. However it is likely that many will not have received the deep technical knowledge training required for them to fully flourish within their roles and progress operations, product development and product quality within their businesses. The training modules should be designed to tackle this issue by opening up the subject of Dairy Science, enriching the knowledge and practical skills of delegates at this level.~~Delivery:~The WDISP is looking for a bespoke training solution that meets the needs identified in this brief, contextualised where possible to the businesses and delegates engaged.~Delivery should include theoretical content but also be practical, engaging and delivered in a manner that matches the learning styles of the delegates. Delivery should include highlighting and demonstration the theory applications on production equipment. Dairy Science can be related on the site by pointing out in laboratories, site processing areas where the science relates to. Especially true for application to quality and HACCP aspects. Examples: damage to fat globule membrane and the merits of long pipe runs, types of pumps, speed of agitation, recirculation, testing for Free Fatty acids etc. The effect of the processing (reception to Packaging) must be related to the science side. Farm dairy science can be discussed as it is vital to understand that good quality supply is where it all starts.~In consideration of the clusters of Dairy businesses found in Wales, creative solutions around delivery will be required. It is envisaged that as/where necessary, Modules will be delivered from October onwards, at North and South West Wales venues at Training Provider premises or participating business sites. Further information around this is provided later in the Brief.~In light of the above and in the interests of gaining maximum value of face-to-face delivery time, advance preparation for delegates through written or on-line resource may be beneficial.Certification of the Modules is required so that the level and range of capability achieved is captured. This does not necessarily need to be done via an Awarding Body, but could be done in partnership between and training provider and the WDISP.~~Specific Detail:~Listed below, are the modules required by the WDISP at Level 2 and Level 3 standard. They’re broken down in to Foundation, Core, Product, Materials, Production and Management. Approximate delivery time expected for Level 2 Modules is 4 hours. Approximate delivery time expected for Level 3 Modules is 8 hours.~Foundation:•Milk Chemistry•Milk BiologyCore:•Milk processing unit operations•Milk Testing•Cleaning and CIP•Dairy Food safety•Milk Pasteurisation•Engineering aspects of productionProduct:•Cheese making – Commercial•Cheese making – Artisan•Whey processing•Evaporation and drying•Cream for butter manufacture•Butter production•AMF and Butter Oil•Cultured products and fermentation•Ice Cream manufacture•Processing skim/serumMaterials:•Packing and Bulk Dispatch•Raw materialsProduction:•NPD•Sustainability•Lean and Continuous improvementManagement:•Leadership•Time management•Train the TrainerNOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Sell2Wales Web Site at


Published Date :

17th Aug 2015 in a 9 years

Deadline :


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Notice Type :

Open opportunity

Tender Identifier :

IT-378-246-T: 2024 - 001

TenderBase ID :


Low Value :


High Value :


Region :

North Region

Attachments :

Buyer Information

Address :

Liverpool Merseyside , Merseyside , L13 0BQ

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Procurement Contact

Name :

Tina Smith

Designation :

Chief Executive Officer

Phone :

0151 252 3243

Email :

Possible Competitors

1 Possible Competitors