Damp Proofing Works.
Repair and maintenance services. EEM has a requirement for the provision of labour and materials to carry out damp proofing works and is looking to appoint up to nine Contractors onto the Framework. We have arranged our members into geographical zones and tenderers are requested to select the zones for which their company is bidding (multiple zone bids are allowed). It is envisaged that a maximum of 3 Contractors per zone will be appointed. The main types of properties where damp proof works will be required are domestic.There will be a requirement for Successful Contractors to provide a survey prior to work being undertaken, where no work is undertaken after a survey has been carried out, Contractors can invoice the clients. Where work is undertaken after a survey has been carried out the cost of the survey shall be included within the cost of the works. The cost of the survey is to be included within Part B2 – Pricing Schedule of Part B - Form of Tender and Quality Assessment.The Successful Contractors may be put forward as nominated Contractors for damp proofing works within other larger projects being completed by members and as such the rates quoted within this tender may be used by those Contractors.During the course of the Framework we will be looking for Contractors to carry out the following works:— Destructive tests to ascertain actual damp levels in the fabric of the walls where doubts are raised;— Injection of liquid DPC's;— Repair works to damp damaged finishes and fittings;— Repair and remediation works to joists and other timbers;— Treatment works;— Tanking works;— Possible removal and refixing of kitchen units and other fittings and fixtures including plumbing and electrical elements.Area of Work:We have arranged our members into geographical zones and you are requested to select the zones for which your company is bidding (multiple zone bids are allowed) and can prove capability to provide and manage the service required.During the price evaluation any tender where the submitted price is exceptionally low, i.e. 20 % (or more) lower than the next lowest price, the relevant tenderer shall be requested to explain the basis of its tender price. If the explanation is not considered adequate the tender may be rejected.
Published Date :
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Tender Awarded :
Awarded date :
Contract Start :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
50000000 - Repair and maintenance services
Status :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors