DARD - Haulage and Slaughter of TB, Brucellosis and EBL Infected Cattle.
To provide for the timely removal of reactor or suspected animals from farms to slaughter facilities, in order to try to reduce further spread of the disease (both to other animals, and ultimately, to humans), DARD requires an approved slaughter Contractor to bid to:— collect the relevant animals from farms, and transport them to their slaughter plant;— slaughter the animals, and arrange for the appropriate disposal of any “condemned” meat/carcases (e.g. transport to and disposal at a suitable rendering plant).The Contractor may sell any meat fit for human consumption into the food chain, subject to satisfactory ante and post mortem examination, and pay to DARD a ‘salvage' price per kg of meat fit for human consumption. The Contractor will pay a salvage value to DARD for the meat fit for human consumption, less haulage and condemnation costs and this net value is a receipt to DARD.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
77100000 - Agricultural services
Status :
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors