Data Services - Governance, Distribution and Audit for Postcode Address File (PAF®) and Royal Mail Data Services (RMDS)
Royal Mail Group (RMG) is looking for a suitably qualified supplier(s) to provide Secure Data Services consisting of: LOT 1: Data Governance, Distribution, Royalty Management, Auditing, Seeding, Management and Reporting, for Royal Mail Data Services (RMDS). This includes: DATA DISTRIBUTION - Handle multiple incoming and outgoing product data feeds of varying structure, frequency and size, using various secure scripted methods such as SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) and HTTPS (Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol Secure) DATA GOVERNANCE - An automated system and platform with functionality to manage policies, processes and data regulations. Ability to store formal communications with users such as contract management and confirmation signed agreements. System must be auditable to demonstrate compliance with regulations and can easily track, test and monitor user responses to surveys of terms and conditions, data governance and risk assessment. System must allow new users to self-certify their understanding and acceptance of terms and conditions for data usage. Single transaction views will be required for each user of the data. The system should allow for the transfer of suppression files for specific products on a daily basis to selected users. ROYALTY MANAGEMENT - Co-ordinate usage and royalty reporting for all data products and check against audit / seeding reports for any irregularities. LICENSE AUDITS - Carry out site pre, post and exit audits to check readiness and compliance by licensee plus usage against license agreements by users. SEEDING - Create modified (dummy) names to use with real addresses for insertion into databases, monitor usage of data and feedback outcomes of seeding activity. MANAGEMENT AND REPORTING which includes: •Programme Management - Manage and report on all incoming and outgoing data whether via SFTP or other means. •Data usage - Collate and provide detail report back on what data has been used by whom on a weekly basis. •Query Handling - Receive and deal with queries relating to secure data governance and distribution • Royalty - billing reports, usage, amounts and irregularities LOT 2: Auditing for Postcode Address File (PAF®) data This includes: Carrying out licence audits (est. 4-6 audits per month) –pre/ post/exit audits to check readiness and compliance by licensee plus usage against license agreements by users. The key aim of the audit is to ensure that customers are complying by the terms of the licence. Attend quarterly and annual review meetings Adherence to agreed SLAs Provision of Credit Safe Licence Data Seal accreditation (or equivalent) for the AMU on an annual basis
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
79210000 - Accounting and auditing services
72300000 - Data services
Status :
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Tender Progress :
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors