Daventry District Council- Welfare advice services ,Voluntary and community sector infrastructure support ,Household goods refurbishment and reuse scheme.
Daventry District Council recognises the need to provide appropriate financial support to voluntary and community sector organisations that deliver services to the community that meet with the Council's core objectives. A review of previous contract delivery, current practice, public opinion and the extent to which community services meet corporate objectives was undertaken to identify which community services to fund for the next two year period. This funding cycle will run from 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2023. The Council is seeking an established experienced provider for the 3 lots detailed below. 3.2Specification of requirements 1.Welfare Advice Services Contract Value £85k p.a. from 1st April 2021 - 31st March 2023 To provide free, impartial, independent and confidential advice to residents: •To ensure residents understand their entitlement to welfare benefits and how to access welfare benefits. •To ensure residents are treated fairly by the benefits system, and to provide advocacy and support where deemed necessary. •To provide free, impartial, independent and confidential advice and support on related matters such as debt management, housing, employment, consumer rights, immigration and relationship issues. •To operate a permanent business premises in Daventry town centre that is open and accessible to residents either by appointment or 'drop-in'. •To operate a telephone and an internet service that can be accessed outside normal office hours. •To provide an outreach service for those residents that request a face to face appointment yet cannot get into Daventry town centre. 2.Voluntary and Community Sector Infrastructure Support Services Contract Value £20k p.a. from 1st April 2021 - 31st March 2023 The provision of support services to voluntary and community organisations in Daventry District. •To provide general business advice to voluntary and community organisations, including start-up advice, funding advice, and advice on governance, best practice, and volunteer recruitment. •To provide a volunteer brokerage service, linking volunteers with volunteering opportunities. •To be an advocate for the local voluntary and community sector, including engagement with the statutory sector, facilitation of a local voluntary and community sector forum, and publication of a newsletter. •To operate a permanent business premises in Daventry town centre that is open during office hours •To operate a telephone and internet service that can be accessed outside office opening hours. 3.Household Goods Refurbishment and Re-use Scheme Contract Value £20k p.a. from 1st April 2021 - 31st March 2023 The provision of a household goods refurbishment and re-use scheme for Daventry District: •To collect unwanted furniture, 'white' goods, electrical appliances, and other useful household items that are in good condition or capable of being refurbished. Please note that it is desirable for collections to be made within one week of a call b
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CPV Codes
75200000 - Provision of services to the community
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors