Day support services to Older People in Flintshire
Flintshire County Council is looking to develop a person centred day service for Older People with physical disability due to age frailty and low level dementia in the Deeside area of FlintshireSERVICE AIMSThe Primary objective of the service is to support Older people to improve their quality of life and promote their independence whilst providing respite for carers.SERVICE FACILITYFlintshire county council is seeking to work with an external Provider who has a suitable facility immediately available within the Deeside area that can meet the needs of Older people The facility should be spacious yet secure to allow Service Users with Dementia to be supported safely. It should offer suitable bathing / showering facilities and separate areas to allow for different activities to take place throughout the day. It is expected that service users will be offered the opportunity of purchasing a hot midday meal as well as being provided with light snacks/ refreshments during the course of the day. There must be suitable off road parking available to ensure the safe transfer of service users on arrival and departure. The facility should operate between 9am to 4pm Monday to Friday and be able to accommodate 15 – 20 people attending dailyThe facility will be sufficiently staffed to meet the needs of those attending and the activities taking place.SERVICE OBJECTIVES:- To support older people with an age related disability or frailty to remain as independent as possible within their own home and local community.- To promote the health and wellbeing of older people attending day care services by offering a programme of sport and physical activity that suits the level of mobility and fitness of those attending- To provide Older People with opportunities to receive both mental and social stimulation by building on people’s unique interests, skills and abilities and delivering person centred activity programmes- To inspire Older people to reach their potential no matter what their age by encouraging new interests and developing new skills- To support existing relationships within the day care setting as well as encourage the development of other friendships and social contacts within the local community.- To encourage the involvement of older people in the Deeside community and provide opportunities for them to continue to make a valued contribution- To provide respite for informal Carers on a regular and planned basis.The Provider will work to achieve the outcomes agreed with each individual attending the service and recorded in their Care PlanThe service delivery model will be outcome based and seek to evaluate and measure performance against the “five ways to wellbeing “- Take Notice- Connect- Be Active- Keep Learning- GiveThe provider will be expected to produce clear and concise performance information on the outcomes achieved through day service interventionNOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Sell2Wales Web Site at
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CPV Codes
85300000 - Social work and related services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors