DBC (AL) Construction of a new cemetery at Bunkers Park, Hemel Hempstead
The main elements of the Works required will consist of the following: - - Development of an access route from Bedmond Road into proposed cemetery. - Reinstatement of crushed stone roadway to car park for dog walkers. - Installation of utility service ducts and water supply to the site. - Installation of new timber boundary fencing. - Stripping, contouring and grading of the site with arising material stored in easement areas on the north side of the site. - Construction of a 5.1 m roadway loop with associated drainage. - Construction of a series of transverse hard pathways 1.5m and a radial and circular pattern to the East with associated junction features. - Construction of carpark area. - Construction of works compound. - Construction of workshop and administration building - Construction of balancing ponds utilising a natural ground feature with piped outfall into borehole soakaway. - Installation of a system of catchment surface water French drains with outfall to the balancing pond or direct to the outfall route. - Installation of mains distribution water pipes and stand pipes. - Landscaping, forming and seeding of the site after all roads, pathways and drainage works completed. - Soft landscaping and tree planting
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45215400 - Cemetery works
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors