DBTH - Patient Pathway Management : Replacing C114985
There is a requirement for a discrete, user-friendly real time software application for the management and tracking of all pathways, including both Referral to Treatment (RTT) and non RTT, to ensure patients are prioritised, managed and tracked effectively in relation to urgency, clinical pathways and waiting time standards. All patient pathway events and activity across the Trust would be fully integrated within the application, including (PAS) Patient Administration System events and diagnostics. The application will support identifying cohorts of patients for prioritisation through a range of user configurable reports, filters, flags and automatic alerts. The application will include dynamic operational work flow including task management and creating actions and events. It will contain functionality for highlighting potential data quality issues, undertaking validation and reporting on the outcomes of the validation including supporting root cause analysis. The solution will contain a full audit trail. The solution will support multi-roles including Validators, Medical Secretaries, Business Management, Booking and Scheduling, Information Managers etc. The solution will contain management information reports designed for Operational users, Clinical and senior management. All the data contained in the solution will be fully available to the Trust to access using their own reporting solutions such as importing into the Trust's data warehouse. For the avoidance of doubt we are seeking a discrete stand-alone application which interfaces with trust existing systems, not an EPR system.
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CPV Codes
48000000 - Software package and information systems
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors