DCLG Research Project on the Value of Planning Obligations
The purpose of this notice is to give interested suppliers advanced notice of a potential up coming procurement. However the Authority reserves the right to not proceed to procurement. The Department for Communities and Local Government or "DCLG" is considering inviting tenders for research on section 106 planning obligations in England. The research will cover 5 areas: 1 - The Value and incidence of planning obligations; 2 - Investigating the relationship between s106 and CIL 3 - Negotiation processes and delays due to s106 4 - Developer contributions and infrastructure funding gaps 5 - Monitoring and transparency of developer contributions. The specific objectives of this research are to: 1 - Update evidence on the current incidence and value of planning obligations; 2 - Understand more fully the relationship between CIL and s106; 3 - Provide a more detailed picture of the negotiation process and delays due to s106 and how this differs between smaller and larger sites, with a view to inform how the process may be streamlined; and 4 - Understand how CIL and s106 contribute to funding infrastructure for housing, and the extent to which there may still be a gap in the funding needed to deliver local plan targets. If this requirement proceeds to tender, it will be advertised via the open procedure on Contracts Finder. Due to article 14 of the 2015 Procurement Regulations, on research and development services, this project does not need to be commissioned through the full OJEU process. This is because the benefits of the research will not accrue exclusively to the Authority, for its use in the conduct of its own affairs. Reasons why the Authority do not regard that the benefits of this research will accrue exclusively to the Authority are as follows: - The Authority will publish the research on its website so it can be accessed by anyone externally; and - The research will be of interest to organisations and individuals outside of the Authority. This includes other government departments such as DfT and HMT; academics, local authorities and the development industry.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors