Ddarparu gwerthusiad o brosiectau Cronfa Ffyniant Gyffredin a arweinir gan Menter Môn Cyf
GOFYNION Y TENDR:Mae canllawiau y Gronfa yn gofyn fod prosiectau'n cael eu gwerthuso'n gadarn, a bod dysgu'n cael ei rannu ag eraill. I gwblhau hyn mae gofyn amlinellu eich dull o werthuso prosiect, gan gynnwys:Sut bydd perfformiad y prosiect yn cael ei fonitroSut y caiff y prosiect ei werthuso, o ran sut y cafodd ei gyflawni a'i effaith ar gleientiaidSut y bydd canfyddiadau'r gwerthusiad yn cael eu lledaenuPryd y cynhelir y gwerthusiad – h.y., pryd y bydd yn dechrau ac yn gorffenDisgwylir i'r ymgeisydd llwyddiannus lunio adroddiadau ar wahân ar gyfer pob prosiect ond mae yna feysydd cyffredin sylweddol, synergeddau a nodweddion tebyg ym mecanwaith cyflenwi a chynnwys y prosiectau.Rhagwelir y bydd y comisiwn mewn dau gam penodol:Gwerthusiad cychwynnol a darparu 3 adroddiad canol tymorGwerthusiad pellach a chynhyrchu 3 adroddiad terfynolTENDER REQUIREMENTS:The Fund's guidelines require that projects are evaluated robustly, and that learning is shared with others. To complete this you need to outline your method of project evaluation, including:How the performance of the project will be monitoredHow the project will be evaluated, in terms of how it was delivered and its impact on clientsHow the findings of the evaluation will be disseminatedWhen will the evaluation take place – ie, when will it start and finishThe successful candidate is expected to produce separate reports for each project but there are significant common areas, synergies and similar features in the delivery mechanism and content of the projects.It is anticipated that the commission will be in two specific stages:Initial evaluation and provision of 3 mid-term reportsFurther evaluation and production of 3 final reports
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CPV Codes
79419000 - Evaluation consultancy services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors