
DDaT21335 E-Catalogue Solution


Background, UK SBS currently uses a Catalogue Content Management Software solution which has been in place for several years., The current Contract is due to expire in April 2023 and we therefore wish to understand what the market can offer in the form of a standard self-service user eCatalogue platform and what features are available with customisation. All information gained from the Pre-Market Engagement sessions will help to ensure we have a fit for purpose specification when we formally approach the market later this year., UK SBS currently runs roughly £10M per annum through its eMarketplace, however there are internal strategies underway to increase the Catalogue offerings which will increase the per annum spend to around £15M - £20M. , Main Objectives / Minimum System Requirements, The main requirements of any potential solution will be:, •To allow our roughly 9,700 users easy searchable access to the agreed and Contracted Supplier Catalogues (The intention of this system is that it will only be available to pre-selected / Contracted Suppliers), •Image, description, unit of measure and categorisations of all catalogue items loaded, including manufacture part codes., •Functionality to all for delivery charges or dry ice charges to be added, •Ability to select multiple items from multiple suppliers and checkout in one order, with the final order then being split into individual Supplier Purchase Orders, •Ability for order acknowledgements , •Varying Supplier membership packages which range from free to chargeable and fully managed., •'Punch-Out' functionality to Supplier websites (where agreed), •Interfacing with Oracle and other ERP solutions, •Ability for e-invoicing, •Ability to monitor/report on which agreements catalogue items/suppliers are awarded onto in the system, •Ability to report on spend and create custom reports that can be run by the UK SBS teams, •Ability to show promotions from Suppliers (where pre-agreed with UK SBS), •Ability to conduct bulk order quote request with set Suppliers, •Single and two factor authentications sign-on options, •Meet all relevant Cyber Essentials and UK GDPR legislation, •Be IS27001 accredited, •Meet all current and future accessibility legislation, Budget (Indicative), The current indicative budget for any solution is £140,000.00 per annum (to include all licensing and standard running costs)., Pre-Market Engagement Day, To ensure that UK SBS has a clear understanding of the current solutions available in the market that could meet our needs, we would like to invite prospective bidders to attend a pre-market engagement webinar session currently scheduled for the first week in October (further information to follow on the agreed/final date) via a Zoom meeting., The purpose of this meeting will be for UK SBS to provide a clearer understanding to potential bidders of our requirements of any new system and to gain a full understanding of what the market has to offer in terms of system capabilities and customisable functionality. Where possible, UK SBS is looking to steer away from a heavily customised system and have a more 'off the shelf' solution which meets our needs., During the session we will be looking for Supplier participation, engagement, and questioning, to ensure that we have thought about all the practical elements that would need to be included in any future tender specification. , Agenda (Indicative), a)Welcome & Introductions (UK SBS), b)Purpose & Project Overview (UK SBS), c)High-level Requirements (UK SBS), d)Market Products & Capabilities (Supplier Perspective), oSystem Capabilities (Supplier Perspective), oLicensing models (Supplier Perspective), oPricing models (Supplier Perspective), oSupport models (Supplier Perspective), e)Q&A (All), f)Next Steps (UK SBS), g)AOB (All), Registering for the Pre-Market Engagement Day, If you would like to attend the pre-market engagement day, please register your interest by emailing by no later than 12:00PM on Wednesday 29th September detailing your organisation's name and representatives of who will be attending on the day. , When emailing please ensure you include the reference "DDaT21335 - Supplier Day" in the Subject line. , Once registration request has been received you will be provided with the zoom code and invite for attending the day.


Pretender :

Not Identified

Published Date :

8th Sep 2021 3 years ago

Deadline :

30th Apr 2022 2 years ago

Contract Start :


Contract End :


Tender Regions

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Status :


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Notice Type :

Open opportunity

Tender Identifier :

IT-378-246-T: 2024 - 001

TenderBase ID :


Low Value :


High Value :


Region :

North Region

Attachments :

Buyer Information

Address :

Liverpool Merseyside , Merseyside , L13 0BQ

Website :


Procurement Contact

Name :

Tina Smith

Designation :

Chief Executive Officer

Phone :

0151 252 3243

Email :

Possible Competitors

1 Possible Competitors