Debt Advice Quality Framework Accreditation Scheme
The Money and Pensions Service is statutorily tasked with "set[ting] standards to be complied with by persons providing information or advice in pursuance of the body's debt advice function." MaPS expects their Prime Contractors (and their supply chain, where applicable) to adhere to the MaPS Standards. , To accommodate the monitoring of adherence to these standards, regulatory requirements and ensure MaPS funded advisers deliver high quality debt advice, the procured service shall administer the Debt Advice Quality Framework Accreditation Scheme and ensure the above requirements are met. , The MaPS Debt Advice Quality Framework comprises of two interlinked and essential parts - the 'organisational' quality framework and the 'individual' quality framework, which together, form our approach to ensuring the high quality of debt advice services in both the free-to-client and fee-charging sectors. , Provision of this service includes the following activities:, -Accreditation: mapping against the criteria encompassed in the MaPS Debt Advice Quality Framework. , -Standards and Codes Reports Checks: an annual check of relevant Third-Party Standard holder's audits, whereby their standards have been assessed as being equivalent to and compliant with the MaPS Debt Advice Quality Framework., -Training: Prepare and deliver refresher training days as and when required for staff from third party standards and membership code holders. , To support this service, the supplier will also provide high quality subject matter expertise to the Money and Pensions Service in relation to accreditation of Third-Party Standards/Codes and Third-Party Training/Qualifications, partake in evaluation and continuous improvement activities, as required., MaPS expects the successful service provider to be in place with a contract start date of 1st April 2022
Pretender :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors