Defence Marine Services - Supply and maintenance of moorings, markers and targets
This is a notification for Transparency purposes to notify release of the ITN documentation to the downselected bidders following a successful DPQQ held earlier this year. New bidders are not being invited to participate in this procurement at this time. The Contract covers : maintenance of Authority owned moorings, target moorings and navigation marks, replacement of moorings and navigation marks with telemetry buoys and sourcing, storage and supply of moorings and navigation mark components. Maintenance and replacement of moorings, target moorings and navigation marks service will be provided at various locations around UK Coast including Gibraltar and Cyprus. Supply of moorings and navigation mark components to UK based nominated point of departure to enable Authority to transport to Ascension Island and Falkland Islands. Contract duration envisaged to be 96 months. To facilitate service delivery the intent is to transfer ownership of an Authority owned vessel to the new service provider under Contractor Owned Contractor Operated (COCO) agreement subject to equitable financial renumeration. This vessel and any other vessel operated under this contract shall be UK Flagged and Certified. Specification for the services will include the following: -Maintenance in accordance with the Mooring Maintenance Programme (MMP), a schedule of routine mooring and navigation mark maintenance to ensure moorings and navigation marks remain safe to operate. -Moorings Replacement Programme (MRP) to replace moorings and navigation marks with telemetry buoys. MRP will involve the total removal of the legacy mooring, the design and assurance of the new moorings, the procurement of replacement components and the installation and assurance of the new moorings. -Sourcing, storage, and delivery of components to an authority nominated UK point of departure, allowing the Authority to maintain moorings in Ascension Island and Falkland Islands. Full service output details including mooring, navigation marks and telemetry buoy volumetrics can be found within the Statement of Requirement (SoR). In addition to the vessel, the Authority will supply Government Furnished Assets (GFA) in support of the Contract services, including: -moorings and markers -spares and specialist equipment -Authority owned intellectual property The occupation and use of Authority owned facilities/property may be available to support service provision subject to separate leasing or licensing arrangements with the Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO). Significant proportion of existing moorings and markers spares are stored at premises of the current service provider. Consequently, new provider may need to provide their own storage and distribution facility. Marine Services Procurement will be run under Defence and Security Public Contracts Regulations (DSPCR 2011
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
98360000 - Marine services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors