Defra - Radionuclide fate and transport in the urban environment and drainage and sewage treatment systems: literature review
The Authority is looking for suppliers to conduct a literature review entitled: Radionuclide fate and transport in the urban environment and drainage and sewage treatment systems. The literature review will summarise current knowledge of contaminant migration within the urban environment and wastewater infrastructure after a major incident involving radiation. The literature review will: -Critically assess the quality and rigour of scientific research which has studied the transfer of key radionuclides of concern (i.e. cobalt-60, strontium-90, caesium-137, plutonium isotopes, and americium-241) from urban surfaces to drainage systems - sewage treatment plants - receiving waters. -Examine data from overseas incidents and case studies and assess their suitability to enhance understanding of the potential fate and longer-term transport of radionuclides for analogous UK scenarios. -Identify gaps in current knowledge and evidence of environmental behaviour of radionuclides in urban water systems following an accidental or deliberate release. -Compare and contrast the advantages and drawbacks of different modelling approaches for predicting the migration of radionuclides in the built environment, specifically within drainage and sewage systems.
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CPV Codes
90713000 - Environmental issues consultancy services
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1 Possible Competitors