delivery Managed Service Provider (MSP) to supply Children’s Social Care CAST teams the Children’s Services department of Hampshire County Council
Managed Service Provider (MSP) to supply five Children’s Social Care CAST teams for the Children’s Services department to use in five districts across the county. The number of teams could be increased or reduced over the term of the contract, subject to separate agreement with the supplier.You will be required to have Five teams consisting for 45 workers in the following districts,hese will be available, fully compliant and ready to be deployed from the start date of thecontract (1st August 2022), without the need of additional recruitment campaigns.Team 1 East Hants – Team of 8 RequiredTeam 2 Hart and Rushmoor – Team of 10 requiredTeam 3 New Forest – Team of 9 RequiredTeam 4 Basingstoke - Team of 9 RequiredTeam 5 Eastleigh Winchester - Team of 9 RequiredEach team will consist of:TEAM 1: 1 Team Manager, 1 Assistant Team Manager, 5 Social Workers, and 1 Project SupportTEAM 2: 1 Team Manager, 1 Assistant Team Manager, 7 Social Workers, 1 project supportTEAM 3: 1 Team Manager, 1 Assistant Team Manager, 6 Social Workers, 1 project supportTEAM 4: 1 Team Manager, 1 Assistant Team Manager, 6 Social Workers, 1 project supportTEAM 5: 1 Team Manager, 1 Assistant Team Manager, 6 Social Workers, 1 project supportThese teams would be responsible for a total of 600 children (based on five teams) in anygiven six-month period regardless of Covid impacts.MSP will provide senior management, that will be responsible for audit all the children’s filesand will record management oversight including SMART actions. The purpose of this is toensure management grip for when the Social Workers start and to ensure they haveguidance and direction.MSP will have responsibility for the Quality Assurance Framework and will provide Head ofQuality Assurance who undertakes regular audit activity via both desktop audit and live audito ensure we close the loop, complete all remedial actions, and hold reflective learningdiscussions. The focus of our audit process is to ensure we look at the impact of interventionand the quality of our work to achieve the best outcomes for children and young people.The teams are expected to be integrated into Children’s Services working within Hampshirepolicies, procedures and thresholds. HCC will undertake its own quality assurance inaddition to that provided by MSP
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CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors