Delivery of innovation support services in "Collaborate" as part of the GX Project - Invitation to Tender for a Multiple Provider Framework Agreement
NewcastleGateshead Initiative (NGI) is seeking the services of organisations defined as Research Institutions to join a Multiple Provider Framework in the Provision of Innovation Support Services for 'Collaborate' - one of the GX project workstreams. Services will be provided to SMEs located in the North East LEP area to facilitate knowledge transfer to aid the development of new products, services and processes. They must meet a wide range of GX SME requirements and needs, in both areas of specialism (NELEP smart specialisation sectors and areas of opportunity) and method of support (e.g. market research , product development, prototyping, testing), hence developing a framework delivery approach to address varying requirements. Services will focus on business innovation for new and improved products and processes (technological innovation) and for business structures, management and marketing practices (non-technological innovation). Research Institutions will provide effective support to take new ideas to market and SMEs will improve their absorptive and innovation capacity. Sixteen SMEs will be selected by NGI and mentored by one of the GX Innovation Managers to define their specific requirements. The framework agreement will have 2 stages: - appointment of the members of the framework (as described in the ITT) - awarding of a contract to one or more members of the framework through a mini-competition (see Appendix G for information) The timescale is as follows: - Submission of tenders by 21 February 2019 - Evaluation: 22 to 25 February 2019 - Appointment of the members of the framework: w/c commencing 4 March Only those tenders that pass the mandatory requirements will progress to be evaluated on selection and award criteria. Those organisations selected for the Framework will be those which achieve a weighted score of over 65% under the contract Selection and Award criteria as set out in the tender document. Following the appointment, we intend to run a number of mini-competitions to award 16 contracts to members of the frameworks using a mini-competition process in March 2019 for services to be delivered to SMEs from April to September 2019. Each mini-competition will be based on a specific SME requirement and evaluated using a set of consistent criteria.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors