Delivery of Personalised Care Planning Training Programme
This contract is for the management and delivery of training sessions to support care planning. In Camden the Long Term Condition and Cancer Mandate commits the CCG to developing care planning for people with long term conditions. In addition NHS England has made a commitment to deliver personalised care plans for every person with a long term condition. The Long Term Conditions Locally Commissioned Service (LTC LCS), redesign and investment in new models of care for people with long term conditions, has initiated the structural changes in the delivery necessary to create an environment in which the ‘Year of Care’ or personalised care planning model can be embedded. We would like to commission an organisation to facilitate additional review, support and training for staff involved with care planning for the specified long term conditions. Commissioning training in ‘Year of Care’ or perosnalised care planning for Camden staff in primary care and clinicians in the Diabetes IPU would introduce the concept. We expect this support to be provided by an organisation that can provide a team of experienced individuals with a proven track record of working on projects of this type and have previous experience of supporting the implementation of ‘Year of Care’ or personalised care planning in a way that embeds the necessary cultural changes in practice and is sustainable. Please see the attached documents for further information.
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Awarded date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
80511000 - Staff training services
Status :
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Low Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors