Delivery of Support for Food Innovation in Wales
The Welsh Government on behalf of Welsh Ministers, wishes to provide a business support service across all Wales, that delivers a range of services directly to SMEs, new business development or large businesses in the food and drink sector in Wales. The range of interventions would range from initial discussion to a number of days support, in both a technical and operational capacity, enabling them to compete more effectively by providing the knowledge, facilities and resources to help companies push their boundaries, achieve their goals and drive their businesses forward.We would expect to see areas such as Food Science, Nutrition, Dietetics, Environmental Health, Trading Standards and Biomedical Sciences, Sensory Analysis and Evaluation, Hire of Technical Facilities, Quality management systems and auditing, Product Assessment, Factory design and equipment sourcing, dedicated processing halls for a range of BRC sectors including Bakery, Fresh meat, Fish, Dairy products and prepared foods; training room; product development test kitchen; analytical laboratory; to be delivered through a physical presence across the breadth of Wales.All BRC sectors may require intervention in a range of technologies, hygiene management, packaging design, technical management systems and new product development.Full knowledge of all technical and quality award systems are required, and the ability to deliver the full service through the medium of Welsh on a demand-led basis. An indicative budget range of £250,000-£300,000 has been allocated for this project, however we would expect this to be matched in kind or in cash by the contractor.The purposes of this Notice is to gauge potential interest for delivering this piece of work. If you would be interested, please indicate via this notice, by 5pm on 2 February 2015. Please note that there is no guarantee that this work will be tendered.NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Sell2Wales Web Site at
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors