Delivery of Workshops for the MyHealth programme on behalf of Hillingdon CCG
The MyHealth Hillingdon Programme empowers patients, and where applicable their carers to self-manage their health condition(s) as well as prevent unnecessary illnesses by equipping people with enough information to support themselves and to navigate the health system at the right time and place. Workshops are broken down into two cohorts; clinical (whereby the course is led by a healthcare professional) and non-clinical (whereby the course is led by a voluntary sector organisation) and have all been co-produced by patients/carers, healthcare professionals, commissioners, partner organisations and voluntary sector. These workshops are free to patients and include but not limited to; Diabetes Type2, Diabetes at risk, COPD, Paediatric Asthma, Seasonal Wellness and First Aid for parents. In addition to this in December 2018 the Diabetes type 2 and prevention (at risk) element, successfully became accredited as structured education by the independent not for profit authority body QISMET. The MyHealth programme is a QIPP programme, and to date has engaged with approx. 8,000 patients (approx. 2,000 per year), but due to large administrative processes the programme has not been able to exceed this number of patients benefiting from the programme. The Commissioners are looking for a community based partner or partners to work with them and enable the programme to: •expand the number of workshops it delivers annually across Hillingdon, •increase attendance from 2,000 to 8,000 patients and carers (minimum) per year •better track and evaluate the programme, •evidence the immediate and long term impacts of the programme, They are therefore seeking to engage with key stakeholders and potential service providers to develop the pathways to take the programme to the next stage. To express your interest in providing this service, and to provide your feedback, providers are asked to complete the short questionnaire that is attached to this notice and return by email to Natasha England ( & David Evershed ( no later than 12pm on Tuesday 14th July 2020. Please contact Natasha England ( for further information regarding this service requirement. Participation in the engagement exercise is not a mandatory requirement for participating in any potential future procurement however responses received will assist to inform the Commissioners with regard to the final specification of its requirements and what might be the most suitable process to award any contract, including whether a competitive process will be appropriate / necessary. CONFIRMATION OF YOUR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST IS THEREFORE IMPORTANT IF YOU HAVE AN INTEREST TO BE A PROVIDER OF THIS SERVICE.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85100000 - Health services
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
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Low Value :
High Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors