Delivery Partner to deliver ASEAN Sustainable Leadership in Infrastructure Programme
The UK and ASEAN have been collaborating closely on Sustainable Infrastructure; exchanging broad ideas on project planning, preparation and appraisal, funding and procurement, and establishing sustainability in practice. Building on this momentum, the UK has decided to further boost ASEAN Member States (AMS) capacity by creating a modular course sharing best practise and lessons learnt for developing truly sustainable infrastructure which maximises on the socio-economic benefits for the region. Aimed at policy makers and practitioners, this course will: 1.Support the Framework for Improving ASEAN Infrastructure Productivity through exchanging knowledge on upstream infrastructure management. Share best practise on developing and implementing robust, merit-based frameworks for project screening, planning and appraisal; including assessing value for money, commercial viability, financial affordability and operational deliverability. 2.Share lessons learned on implementing sustainability in practice, including preserving ecological value of the site and optimising existing infrastructure projects and assets. 3.Support the Framework for Improving ASEAN Infrastructure Productivity through exchanging knowledge and best practise on attracting private sector investment. Strengthen capacity on public investment management and procurement. The curriculum, designed by the Authority, is as follows: Theme 1: Towards Net Zero: Impact on Urbanism & Infrastructure Theme 2: Sustainable Systems to Delivery Better Built Environment Theme 3: Enablers to 'Build Back Better' Theme 4: Project Delivery Frameworks Theme 5: Sustainable Funding & Financing Theme 6: Towards Net Zero Contracts & Procurement Theme 7: Leveraging Support & Collaborations Towards a Net Zero World The course will involve participants from all ten AMS. The content for the course has been developed through discussions with ASEC by experts from various organisations. The Authority is looking to procure a delivery partner to deliver on the following areas: 1) Course delivery including; Cohort selection, Enrolment, Liaise with content providers, Coursework availability, Record keeping, Delivery of initiation workshop, Structuring the course, Co-ordinating lecture delivery, Managing student evaluation 2)Working with the Authority's web developer to create and licensed and online platform to aid in and complement the course delivery Your Tender must be submitted to the using the reference "ASLIPDP2022" in the subject line in accordance with the enclosed ITT Instructions.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
79900000 - Miscellaneous business and business-related services
98110000 - Services furnished by business, professional and specialist organisations
80500000 - Training services
80400000 - Adult and other education services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors