DeltaStream Demonstration - Marine Installation Contractor
TEL wishes to appoint a contractor who will plan, manage and coordinate the deployment, installation and subsequent recovery and decommissioning of the DeltaStream tidal device at the site situated 1.2km from the mainland in Ramsey Sound.This contract of work will require the DeltaStream unit to be manoeuvred from a chosen onshore location, transported by vessel to the chosen deployment site and deployed onto the seabed in a safe, timely and precise manner. The chosen contract candidate will be provided with the site coordinates by TEL, and will be responsible for ensuring the device is accurately deployed and aligned.The DeltaStream unit consists of a structural steel triangular frame 36 m wide which supports a 15 m diameter rotor together with a turbine generator on each of the 3 corners. The self weight of the structure in air will be greater than 300 tonnes.At present it is envisaged that the delivery of the device to the shore side shall be carried out under a separate contract by the device manufacturer. However, it maybe a requirement that the structural frame of the DeltaStream unit will be contracted in this scope of work.The contractor will be responsible for the laying of the subsea cables from the device to the shore (approximately 1,2 km in length) and their connections to the device.Upon completion of the 12 month test programme of the device, the contractor will be responsible for the recovery of the device and its return to a shore side location.All vessels, machinery and equipment needed will be provided by the contractor who must also certify that they are safe for use and capable of carrying out specific project requirements.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors