Dementia Memory Café in Torbay &/or the Befriending Service in Southern locality.
NHS South Devon and Torbay Clinical Commissioning Group & NHS Northern Eastern and Western Devon Clinical Commissioning Group would like to commission a provider to deliver Dementia Memory Cafe's in Torbay &/or the Befriending Service in Southern locality. The aim of both services is to provide connectivity for individuals with Dementia, their carers/ families, communities and neighbourhoods. There are also specific objectives for each element of the service: Memory Café: Objectives: •To provide a consistent and regular meeting point for service users and their families/carers •To connect and signpost service users to information and services which may be supportive to them •To provide a peer support network to assist in reducing social isolation •To provide appropriate activities that service users can participate in Befriending service: Objectives: •The key outcome for this service will be to provide individuals living with Dementia with companionship, social interaction and support to participate in activities that they find meaningful within their local community. •To increase the amount of support available to people living with dementia and their carers, including those not eligible for social care services. •Provision of a range of stimulating activities to promote the well-being and condition maintenance of people living with dementia.
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CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors