Demolition of Buildings & Extension to Existing Car Park at South King Street, Blackpool
It is proposed to redevelop and extend South King Street car park. The proposed work will require the demolition of 2No buildings (former Blackpool Council Offices), out buildings and ancillary structures ready for the redevelopment. General The project can be split into a number of tasks outlined below: 1. Utility Service disconnections will be arranged by the Client prior to works commencing. 2. Removal of licensed and unlicensed asbestos will be arranged by the Client 3. Demolition of all the Buildings, Outbuildings, play areas, ancillary structures, ramp, access paving/steps and stairs. Note. External walls adjacent to highway is to remain to act as a retaining wall for the car park. 4. Installation of new ornamental galvanised steel fencing with basic finials to match existing and minor highway works to be fixed to the retaining wall. 5. Construct new extension to existing car park and access ramps as per drawing no. 8457/01 including construction, macadam surfacing and demarcation lining. 6. Completion of Section 80/81 Notice with Planning.
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1 Possible Competitors