Dept for the Economy Northern Ireland Further Education Colleges — Learner Management System.
The 6 Northern Ireland Further Education Colleges require a system for learner records management, incorporating timetabling and reporting. A single multi-tenanted solution is required, that ensures each College has access to only their own data with appropriately customised systems, processes and reporting. Fundamentally, the learner management system is required to: Fit naturally with the day-to-day operations of curriculum delivery; Cover all aspects of learner records; Provide a wide range of management information for use at all levels of management within the College and meeting both in-year and strategic information needs; Provide a wide range of functions, spanning the process of curriculum / learner management to support the day-to-day work of academic and administrative staff; and Share data with other systems via data interface or import/export functions.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
48517000 - IT software package
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors