Derbyshire Domiciliary Care AQP Window 2
The Derby and Derbyshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) undertook a procurement of Domiciliary Care Service across Derbyshire for people eligible for fully funded Continuing Healthcare Home Care (Domiciliary Care) refers to care for people living in their own homes. The person is visited at various times of the day or, in some cases, care is provided over a full 24-hour period. The needs of people using the services may vary greatly and packages of care are designed to meet individual circumstances. Where there is good quality care, provided throughout the day, the person may live independently of any continuous support or care between the visits. The Service covers Home Care (Domiciliary Care) services for NHS CHC Service Users; The service will be provided for people (Service Users) who have been determined by the Commissioner as having an NHS-funded continuing care entitlement. The Provider will ensure that the services can be provided 365 days per year, 24 hours a day and in accordance with a Service User's Care Plan. The aim of the service is to deliver Domiciliary Care that:- •puts the health, safety, quality of life and preferences of the Service User at the centre of care provision; •supports the Service User to make informed choices about their care, as per the NHS Constitution; •supports the health, safety and quality of life of Carers as outlined by the Care Act and National Framework for NHS Continuing Healthcare and NHS-funded Nursing Care ; •meets the outcomes outlined in section 2 through effective working partnerships; •strives to continuously improve the quality of care for the Service User; and •provides continuity of care for the Service User, wherever possible. •explanation and apology from Providers when services are not delivered to plan •care Workers that arrive on time, carry out the commissioned activities, interact with Service Users and stay for the full time that is set out in the Service Users care plan •that two Care Workers arrive together on time when this is required •that Care Workers have the required skills to meet their needs, including for Service Users receiving end of life care •that the care provided is carried out in a way that shows an understanding of and a concern for the Service Users and their family's emotional wellbeing
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85100000 - Health services
Status :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors