Derbyshire Footprint Community Paediatric Continence Service Level 2 for children & young people aged 0 -18 years
NHS Arden & Greater East Midlands Commissioning Support Unit (NHS Arden & GEM CSU) on behalf of the Derbyshire CCGs including NHS North Derbyshire CCG (who is acting as lead Commissioner for this process), NHS Hardwick CCG, NHS Erewash CCG and NHS Southern Derbyshire CCG are inviting bids from suitably qualified providers capable of delivering a Derbyshire footprint Community Paediatric Continence Service Level 2 for children and young people aged 0 -18 years (or 19 when attending a special school) who are registered with member GP Practices of NHS North Derbyshire, Hardwick, Erewash and Southern Derbyshire CCGs for which they are the responsible commissioner. The generic term "continence" is interchangeable with the terms "bladder and bowel difficulties", "bladder and bowel dysfunction" or "wetting and soiling problems". Continence problems are believed to be caused by biological, developmental, genetic and environmental factors. Structural or anatomic causes are rare. They occur at a formative time for children and influence their health, their wellbeing, and their emotional development. There is evidence that they are associated with emotional and behavioural problems, including a strong association with bullying, both as recipients and perpetrators (NICE Clinical Guideline CG99, 2010: 5; CG111, 2010: 4). They can also reduce self-esteem at a crucial time for a child or young person's emotional development and risk their exclusion from normal social interaction. Continence problems are treatable and it is therefore important that Children and Young People are diagnosed and managed early. Continence problems are more prevalent among children and young people with learning and physical disabilities, who have a higher risk of underlying pathology and may take longer to achieve continence. There is also a higher prevalence of continence problems among children and young people in local authority care. The indicative benchmark for a paediatric continence service is 0.8% or 800 per 100,000 population aged 19 years and under. This equates to 1,889 children and young people across the Derbyshire footprint, of which approximately 50% may progress into a Level 2 service. This service is designed to meet the needs of Children and Young People to achieve complete continence, or to manage the condition discreetly and effectively if full control is not clinically possible. This will be achieved through; •Clinical assessment of continence need of each child, •Clinical oversight of suitable continence products •Facilitation of obtaining products from current supplier and distribution to patients
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CPV Codes
85141000 - Services provided by medical personnel
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors