Design & Build Industrial / Commercial Contractor Framework - Dunsbury Park
Portsmouth City Council - hereafter referred to as the 'Developer' - is seeking expressions of interest from suitably experienced contractors for inclusion on a commercial / industrial focused multi-contractor framework agreement. The framework agreement will primarily be used by the Developer for the development of commercial / industrial space at Dunsbury Park, Havant but may also be used by the Developer for development works across the entirety of its nationwide property portfolio. For further information regarding Dunsbury Park and current development status are included in the SSQ pack. The Developer's target date for award of the framework agreement is 18th January 2022 with formal commencement of the framework agreement following on 31st January 2022. The framework agreement will run for a term of 4 years during which individual call off contracts may be let for the delivery of construction works and associated pre-construction design services. However, the Developer is targeting to have completed the development of Dunsbury Park within approx. 3 years from the commencement of the framework agreement. The framework agreement will be established for the sole use of the Developer and will not be available for other UK Contracting Authorities to access. The Developer estimates that total spend via the agreement for services and works for the development of Dunsbury Park alone could equate to £50M, subject to tenant demand and wider economic conditions. Additional spend associated with the Developer's nationwide property portfolio over the term could equate to a further £20M, producing an upper total agreement estimated spend value of £70M. A total of 3-4 contractors will be appointed a place on the framework agreement. The framework agreement will be established via the invitation of tenders from 3-4 shortlisted contractors for the design and construction of Plots 500-502 (approx. 7,000 sqm) at Dunsbury Park. The estimated value of the design and construction works for Plots 500-502 is approx. £8M. Tenders will be sought following a simplified 2 stage open book partner contracting model. The contractor who achieves the highest tender assessment score for Plots 500-502 will be awarded the contract for the above works and appointed onto the framework agreement. The other tendering contractors shall be appointed onto the framework agreement only. The Developer will establish the framework agreement in broad accordance with the 'Restricted Procedure' as set out within the 'Public Contracts Regulations (2015)'. In the interests of managing bidding costs for all parties the Developer will only invite 3-4 shortlisted contractors to tender following evaluation of initial Supplier Selection Questionnaire (SSQ) applications. The procurement process will be run in accordance with the following outline programme: • Issue of FTS Contract Notice - 21.09.21 • ...
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors