design and consultancy services for replacement built facilities
Project requirements, The Parish Council is seeking to appoint a team of architect-led consultants to assist them in enhancing facilities at the upper Louie Memorial Playing Fields in the following ways:, Page 10 of 15, 1) To review the approved plans for a new Louie Memorial Pavilion and to identify a range of opportunities for the development to meet the highest sustainability standards (zerocarbon or as close to it as possible). These may include but are not limited to:, • Choice of building materials , • Insulation materials and design, • On-site electricity generation e.g. via solar panels, • Water capture and reclaim systems e.g. via green roof, • Efficient heating systems e.g. ground- or air-source heat pump, • Sustainable drainage systems, 2) To appraise the site suitability and costs of these options and to make recommendations to , Council on which options should be pursued, with projections of the level of sustainability likely to be achieved. , 3) To coordinate the delivery of related consultancy services such as:, • Demolition assessment, • Statutory services survey, • Soil and drainage investigations, • Structural engineering reports, • Mechanical and electrical systems design, • Landscaping , • Arboricultural method statement, • Cost planning (quantity surveyors) , In bidding for this project the lead consultant can opt to include costs for the full range of consultancy services with named partners up to the maximum project budget of £100,000. , Alternatively the lead consultant can bid solely for the architectural services, with a view to advising the Council on identification and selection of other consultancy services as soon as possible. , 4) To provide advice to the Council on potential funding for the proposals , 5) To advise the Parish Council on timescales for delivery in relation to available resources, , including if appropriate options for a phased delivery, 6) To draw up detailed designs with construction specifications and to submit these for approval , with an appropriate Building Control service, 7) To serve as Principle Designer with regard to Construction Design Management Regulations , 2015, or alternatively to appoint another consultant to this role, to ensure that good health , and safety standards are maintained throughout the project, 8) To update the Parish Council on project progress on at least a monthly basis, through a , combination of attendance at Parish Council meetings and via a designated Council contact , (e.g. the Parish Clerk and/or Chairman of the Council).
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors