Design and delivery of engagement workshops with children, young people, families and professionals/other stakeholders to support the West and North Northamptonshire Councils' children and young people and sexual health needs assessments
North Northamptonshire Council (NNC) and West Northamptonshire Council (WNC) are currently undertaking a children and young people (0-19s) Health Needs Assessment (CYP HNA) and a Sexual Health Needs Assessment (SHNA). The CYP HNA aims to gain understanding of the health and wellbeing needs, demands and gaps in services for 0-19 year olds, and up to 25 years where there is a statutory responsibility (SEND), and their families. The CYP HNA outcomes and recommendations will enable the two local authorities to make decisions on the future of 0-19 commissioned services, and the development of children and young people strategies and action plans. The SHNA aims to gain full understanding of the needs, demands and gaps, including service users' and providers' perspectives. It will enable us to inform the future commissioning of sexual health service across both unitary councils. The SHNA will provide us with a description of the main sexual health issues affecting the population in Northamptonshire, the identification of the needs and priorities of the population, and of areas of unmet needs. It will also provide a clear set of objectives to work towards meeting these needs and a set of recommendations on how to rationally use public health sexual health service resources to improve health in the most effective and efficient way. The HNAs comprise analysing data, looking at best practice, undertaking service mapping and running interviews and user engagement. As part of this, both unitary councils are committed to run a public engagement through workshop-style sessions and focus groups with stakeholders and wider system partners (including providers), children & young people, and parents/carers WNC and NNC are in the process of developing the Councils' health and wellbeing strategies, and as part of this we and our system partners are dedicated to ensure the voice of children, young people, their families, and our system partners are at the centre of everything we do and to ensure the strategy is co-produced with them. Therefore, we are committed to conduct public engagement for the strategy for the above mentioned reasons. WNC and NNC want to commission an external provider to undertake the engagement across both West and North unitary councils. The maximum contract value for this project is £50,000.
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CPV Codes
79315000 - Social research services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors