Design & Manufacturing Support Services for Businesses in Wales covering April 2012 - April 2015
Lot 1: Business Innovation Manufacturing (BI-M)The Business Innovation - Manufacturing Support Services for clients in Wales will primarily be aimed at providing the following support:* Advising and guiding Welsh Manufacturing businesses who wish to consider "best practice" tools to improve the operational systems and processes. This advice and guidance could encompass a full operational "diagnostic" review that determines and details precise areas of clients manufacturing for potential improvement and effeciency gains.* The successful BI-M contractor will take the lead role in linking the client (post diagnostic and scoping) into the Innovation Voucher / RD&I funding mechanisms for project support. This part of the role will include advice on funding paperworks requirements and linkages to Business Innovation specialist suppliers within the application process (ref Lot 3).* The BI-M contractor will integrate with the team of 12 Innovation Specialists in satisfying client support on referral. There will be equal responsibility for the introduction of new manufacturing clients to pre-determined criteria. The contractor will lead in promoting a culture of continuous improvement to all Welsh clients aspiring to introduce advanced manufacturing tools and techniques to their manufacturing operations.* The BI-M contractors are effectively considered an integrated and extended part of the wider Business Innovation Team. The role of the contractor within the project will be seamless in front of clients and behaviours will reflect disciplines that satisfy public sector governance and compliance. All contrcators will manage time and communicate within the project systems that satisfy the rigours of a European funded (ERDF) programme.Lot 2: Business Innovation (BI-D) The Business Innovation - Design Support Service for clients in Wales will be aimed at providing the following support:*Advising and guiding Welsh clients who wish to consider "best practice" design tools to improve their new (and existing) product development. This advice and guidance could encompass a full design review that diagnoses and details precise areas of clients design operation for potential improvement and specialist support.* The successful BI-D contractor will take the lead role in linking theh client (post Design review and scoping) into the Innovation Voucher / RD&I funding mechanisms for project support. This part of the role will include advice on project funding paperwork requirements and linkages to Business Innovation specialist suppliers within the application process (Ref Lot 3).* The BI-D contractor will integrate within the team of 12 Innovation Specialists in satisfying client support for referral. There will be equal responsibility for introduction of potential new clients (considering design / NPD support) to the Business Innovation project througout the duration of the contract (ref tender requirements)* The ultimate aim of the BI-D role and contract will be to provide comprehensive design support to all Business Innovation clients to a pre-determined "menu" of services. The contractor will lead in promoting a culture of continuous improvement and best practice within designs tools and techniques to all Welsh clients.* The BI-D contractors are effectively considered an integrated and extended part of the wider Business Innovation team. The role of the contractor within the project will be seamless in front of clients and behaviours will reflect disciplines that satisfy public sector governance and compliance. All contractors will m anage time, report and communicate within the project systems that satisfy the rigours of a European Funded (ERDF) programme.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors